Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
WE did this for our needs, but there is a message!
IF THERE IS .........
no forest = no oxygen
no oxygen = no life
no life = we will die!
why=because we don't know about it!!


3. Fuelwood

4.Large Dam

5. Mining


1. We Recycle


Five Basic Steps to Saving Rainforests
"TREES" is a concept originally devised for an elementary school audience but serves well as set of principles for saving rainforests and, on a broader scale, ecosystems around the world.
- Teach others about the importance of the environment and how they can help save rainforests.
- Restore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cut down.
- Encourage people to live in a way that doesn't hurt the environment.
- Establish parks to protect rainforests and wildlife.
- Support companies that operate in ways that minimize damage to the environment.


POsTed bY Rizqi aT 20:31:00 2 CoMmEntS
Saturday, 31 May 2008
MAy 27, 2008
According to them, my good points are I explained really well( they can understand my information) because they can understand my information. I also explained the facts about my topic..
According to them, my points for improvement are I have to be more confident while presenting. Sometimes, I am not confident because I am nervous/ gave wrong information to them.. I also was not focus. I talked about other things.
Next time, my goal is to improve my confident when I am presenting. I also have to explain clearly and I have to be focus on my work.
The jigsaw activity is a good activity because everybody can get chance
to explain. It can help us easily understand the topic.
A. Math- Measure Length- Word Problems
I learnt that in solving a word problem, we analyzed and understand first. We also have to made strategy too...... People who have lots and lots of strategy, will be successful in the future. My good points are when we did my top ten. It is a game was a game called " Who Wants To be a Millionaire?" I got highmarks in the topten. My weak points are when I couldn't solve a problem, I didn't draw. Now, I am starting to draw.
B. English- Writing a narrative
My story is all about helping each other. When we wanted to make a story, we have to have a guide and a Narrative Scaffold(plan). In the narrative Scaffold, we have to set When, Where and waht situation and others. If not, the story will be mixed, boring and the reader would not understand our story..
C.Unit of Inquiry
I found and realised that rainforests are important to us. It can help us support papers, medicines, foods and others I feel that medicines and foods are coming from the rainforests. They also helped us stabalize climate of the world. I wanted to learnt more about the threats of the rainforests.
My difficulties in the assessment on Impact of Rainforests are the following:
-explaining the information
-extending the ideas
-the time management
I think I need to read more books about the green house effect.
I feel that I did well in making ideas(big).
tODaY, i have to go at 16:30 because my best friend celebrate his birthday, Fauzan. He celebrate his birthday in Sanur. It is very fun.. I love it!!! I got many prizes from him too... because I know about him very well........ After that, Mirai went to my house to stay. The next day, Mirai will go home...
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 19:49:00 0 CoMmEntS
Saturday, 24 May 2008
JOurNals..on.. ThurSday..&.. FridAy
22 May, 2008 (Thursday)
In English and Unit of Inquiry, we analyzed and understand an information text about climate, decay and renewal on a rainforests. I learnt that in the rainforests, the climate was warm. I can moved on by the teacher explaining before summarizing. It was also helpful when, we find difficult words and find it in the dictionary. But, before that we discussed the difficult words. Then, we made a summary about the article.
In Maths, we learnt a new topic about length, mass, money and time. But first, we have to learnt about length. We also got a problem to solved. I and Hafizh didn't got a perfect score but it's ok. We didn't got a perfect score because, we didn't analyze the problem first and we didn't draw it, so we got wrong.
23 May, 2008 (Friday)
Today, it is a Pre-Authorization Visit. 2 visitors are assessing the school if, the school can be a IB-World School. One of the visitor came from Indonesia. She studied in Australia and when, she speaks English, it is clear and good. The other visitor come from Australia. They asked us many questions about our work. I can answer some of the questions and we have to behaved well too...
and after the visitor left our class, Mr. Perico says that the class was good(behave well) and they can answer most of the questions and we are very happy!!!!!!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 18:31:00 0 CoMmEntS
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Hi there Artix,
How are you? Today, Mr. Perico is not teaching us.. because, he went to Thailand on Friday until Tuesday next week. So, Ms. Yolanda will teach us. There was no Math subject and I hate it!!! because, I liked Math subject. In the first subject, we had English. In English, we continued our explanatory text with our writing buddy(Alvianto). We're done writing the story but, we have many grammar errors. we have some present tense and some past tense. Who had done editing it, we have to encode it in MS-Word. We're done editing it but, we're not done encoding it. Then, after recess, it was English subject again. But in this subject, we have to draw a character sketch on the following stories: Sadako, Stone Fox and Tales of the fourth Grade Nothing. We have to chose one of them to draw. I chose Tales of the fourth Grade Nothing because, we can easily identify the profiles of Peter.
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 05:43:00 0 CoMmEntS
Saturday, 17 May 2008
May 15, 2008
Unit of Inquiry Reflection
-Purpose of task:
To research about the rainforests of Central American Rainforest. It is between North and South America.
-Specific research topic
My specific research topic is about Threats of Central American Rainforests. The biggest threat is caused by man.
-Difficulties in completing this research
It is hard(medium) to find articles about the Threats on the Central American Rainforests. When I research it, it is about the world rainforests.
-My plan in overcoming this difficulty
I need to borrow some books from the library.
-My accomplish;
I am done with the research. Now, I am wriiting on the final paper.
Unit of Inquiry Reflection
Tasks: Group research on " Rainforests of the world"
In Unit of Inquiry, I am done with the research about the threats of the Central American Rainforests. I am done finalizing the information in the final paper. After, I read articles from many sources. I learnt that there are many threats in the Central American Rainforests. The biggest threat to a rainforests is man. Then, I helped my group members to finalize their research.
English Refletion
Tasks: Writing a narrative with writing buddy
In English, I worked with my writing buddy. We were done with the narrative story. Mr. Perico read some of the narrative story from the other groups. I learnt that we have to improve our tenses to past tense. When Budiman read our story, they said it was strange....
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 05:19:00 0 CoMmEntS
Saturday, 10 May 2008
May 10, 2008
Today, I went to the Sumatra Promotion Center. I saw Nael, Nicholas and Norbet in there. Nael also tease me with that thing and I hate it.....!!!!!!!! Nicholas always hit Nael and tickle him and Norbet too.. In the SPC, we run here to there because Nicholas is hitting me and Nael. We also hide so, Nicholas wouldn't hit us... Then, I went to Mega Mall but, not with Nael. In Mega mall, I only went to Hypermart with my mom and dad. I didn't bought anything. My father asked me to buy PS2 Cd but, I didn't want because I didn't like it again.
May 5, 2008
Maths Time!!!
Last week in Maths, we studied about geometrical figures. E.g. square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium, equilateral triangle, right- angled triangle and others. In a square, there should be 4 equal sides and it should have 4 right angles. In a rectangle, there are 2 lines that have to be the same and the other 2 lines are also the same and it has 4 right angles too....
In a parallelogram, the rule was the same as a rectangle. The shape looks like a rectangle too...
English Time!!!
Last week in English, we continued our explanation about" How do Volcanoes Erupt?" We were done with some of the information. Firstly, we have to brainstorm. How was our introduction looks? It was interesting or not? Then, the 2nd paragraph. We brainstorm again what are we gonna write? After we brainstorm, we did pre- writing. We wrote informations that we have discussed and summarize it. After we were done writing all of the informations, we need to recheck all our information back. Were there anything wrong??.. After we recheck again, we went to Mam Yoly to got feedbacks.
Unit of Inquiry Time!!!
In the weekend, Saturday, we have an activity. It was an activity about " Planting Trees". I planted 8 trees along the road. Before we went there, we went to school and bought tools for gardening. After we were ready with our staffs, we walked to the road and we plant trees..............
May 6, 2008
Unit of Inquiry Time!!!
UOI tasks: Locating rainforests of the world
Defining tropical rainforests
In this activity, I learnt that there are 3 layers of a rainforest. It was (emergent), canopy, understory and forest floor. It is not a rainforests if there was no layers. Groupings help me understand more what is a definition of a rainforests. I know that a rainforests are warm. ( 70- 80 degrees F).
Math Reflection!!!
In our activity on identifying geometrical figures, I found hard with getting the measurement of the figure. It was hard because I didn't know how to get it. I could solved it by discussing our work with our buddies so, we could understand better. I am har to find a perpendicular lines on a figure. For me to understand better, I measured using a protector, if it is 90 degrees or not and I discussed with my buddy.
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 16:29:00 0 CoMmEntS
Saturday, 3 May 2008
Hi Artix,
Today, I research about Volcanic Eruption. My team members are Me, Hendri and Hazell. I only did the research. I printed an article and the major of eruption pictures and I also borrowed books about Volcanoes same with Hendri and Hazell too.. They borrowed books too... We have to write about our topic, "How do volcanoes erupt??". We have 3 papers I think. We also got feedbacks from Ms. Yolanda... We also have a homework and that is Maths.
Today, I didn't went to the school because I am sick. I miss the fieldtrip. I hear that when they went to the rainforest, Trent got a peck of a wild monkey and now. He is absent from Thursday and Friday. I hope he will be alright next week( Monday). I think, tomorrow I am alright so, I can go outside because tomorrow it is a holiday and it is Mirai's birthday. He didn't invited us to go outside like Trent's Birthday.... He didn't invited us but, it's alright. But, there is no homework for Thursday.
Friday & Saturday
Today, there is an upacara but, I didn't join because I am still sick. So, I stayed in the class and wait for them. After they came, Mr. Darwin came to teach Maths. But before that, he did not teach, he discussed for tomorrow's activity. It is about Planting 100 Trees. But, I didn't know that so, I call my mom ad I could. I am happy. After discussing about the activity, we continue to Maths. It is still about figures. E.g. Square, Rectangle, Parallelogram, Rhombus, Trapezium, Equilateral Triangle and etc. The next day, I woke up at 5:30 o'clock in the morning. I took a bath and the eat. After that I went to the school to join the activity. The planting of the trees when well. We plant along the road near the building of Batam Pos. We also need to bring tools for gardening too.. ( if you have it). I have planted 7 trees along the road. After that, we have to water the plants and after that walked to the school again. The Tree Planting Activity ends in 9:30 AM.
So, that's all Artix... We also didn't do our reflection on our reflection book but I can rememeber it.. So Bye.... See Yah.... L8R^
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 18:48:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Weekdays.....
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Hi Artix,
Long time not see..
Today, I woke up at 7:00 AM. I have a dream about..(just kidding)
Yesterday, Batam electricity turns off. But, my house in Sukajadi doesn't turn off. I think where I live is great... So, my gorgeous dad and I can watched the qualifying of Formula 1. Kimi Raikonen is first..... I am happy with it.. Later 7 o'clock is the race.. I hope that Ferari (Raikonen and Massa) win and Mclaren(Kovlainen and Hamilton)
So, now I think I have to go now..
See you....
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 17:56:00 0 CoMmEntS
Friday, 25 April 2008
English, Unit of Inquiry Time!!!!!
April 21, 2008
Unit of Inquiry Time!!!!!!
Yesterday in Unit of Inquiry, Mr. Perico explained about Natural Disasters. We have to found out what were the observable changes, cause, effects and human responses from the presentation in the powerpoint. We were done with all except for the human responses. I think today, we will find the observable changes, causes, effects and human responses about man- made changes.
April 22, 2008
Maths on Symmetry
After watching the video, I learnt that a symmetry can be used in real life. There are many kinds of Symmetrical figures like; arts, architectures and natures. For example, in nature, we went to the beach and get a shell and a shell can be divided into half..
A symmetrical figure could be used in building houses. For example, we want one side and the other side to be the same. A symmetrical figure can be used in art too when we draw a flower. It has 4 symmetrical lines.
My reading
My Reading on Erosion and Weathering....
From what I've read, I learned that an erosion has many kinds. An erosion is waves that pound against the land. For example; the grand Canyon is a famous place because a river pound the rocks and like the shorelines. They pound the land until it become sand but, it took many years.
I am confused with weathering.
I am interested to ask question about;
*Where does weathering and erosion happen?
*What are the difference between the 2 of them?
*What are the causes, effects of this change?
*Why do weathering and erosion happen?
A weathering is a small rocks that break apart into small pieces. In erosion, the difference is it break to huge pieces. For example, a landslide. There are 2 kinds of weathering. It is Physical Weathering and Chemical Weathering. There are 2 causes and it by pollution or by forces. the causes of weathering is Acid Rain. The causes of erosion is landslide.
April 23, 2008
Science Investigation Time!!
Today in Unit of Inquiry, I like Irene's group because it is interesting. They could explaned very well and we understand their experiment... Their experiment title is "Water Vs. 0il". Firstly, they have 2 containers. One with oil and the other with water. They also used food coloring to complete their experiment. They cuted 2 strips of paper and the water win and the Oil lose.
April 24, 2008
Maths Time!!!
Yesterday in Maths, we made a symmetrical lines on an alphabet and road signs. Some students haven't yet done with finding the symmetrical lines in Road Signs. So, it is a homework.
Some of the road signs have many symmetrical lines. After that, we have a review about Area and Perimeter of a Composite Figure. In this work, there was a figure and we have to find the area and th perimeter of the figure. If we wanted to find the area we have to measure the sides of the figure first. Then we multiply LxB (formula of rectangle) and we get the area. We also find the perimeter by adding all the sides.
English Time!!!!!
Yesterday in English, we went to the computer room. We have to type on our own persuasive essay. I am done typing it but, I think I've to add more details so my audience can understand better. I think I've need to improve in using boldface to emphasize important ideas. I'll add more information about " Against Bringing Handphone to School!!" After we were done typing it, we have to type about our explanatory text about Cloning. My weak point was, I didn't put any boldface in a word.
Unit of Inquiry Time!!!
Yesterday in Unit of Inquiry, we have a presentation on our experiment. We work with groups. Me and Hafizh make an experiment about color changes. I like Nael's group because it was fun. Did you know that a candle was a gas?? Firstly, they need to light up a candle. Then, put a big jar on it. Observe what happen. The light of the candle turns off because the CO2 turns off the light. So, I think their experiment was a great job and I think they'll be a scientists someday. Hafizh said to me that our experiment was good and popular to everyone because the green food color can change into another color. When i was presenting with Hafizh, we couldn't answer the question of Mr. Perico. In the experiment we have to use the toothpick. But, Mr. Perico asks us: If you change the toothpick into a coin or other things. Can it be the same? ( can it color change?)
I replied; I don't know, because 've not tested it if we used a coin or anything. But later, I will test it and see? observe what happen... I think it will be the same but, I'll see later..
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 05:26:00 0 CoMmEntS
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Learning log
Math Time!
The concepts that I’ve learnt in Maths are about Area and Perimeter. In area of a square, the formula is length x length. In are of a rectangle, the formula is length x breadth. In area, there are square units. In a perimeter of a square, the formula is length + length + length + length and the perimeter of rectangle is, l+b+l+b. An area means, it is a small box inside a figure. A perimeter means, it is the outside lines of a figure.
I am confused in getting the area/ perimeter of a square/ rectangle. But now, I am not confused again when Mr. Perico explains about it.
Movie Making!!
In computer room, we continued our moviemaking with our group. I showed cooperation because I cooperate with my group. Eugene and I showed cooperative because we do it together. We don’t fight with each other. We’re done with our moviemaking but, I think we need to add more effects, animations and others. I also showed respect when Hendri and mirai gave
Math Time!!
Today in Maths, I learnt about Area and Perimeter. We have a project to build a park, house and sub- division. I chose a park because it is interesting. We are in the company name ‘A. C. E’ (Awesome Construction Experts) and our boss is Mr. Perico. Who give the best project, our boss will choose it. Later, we have to plan what are you going to place in your park? We can ask our parents and people to get more ideas. I think my plan is to put a playground for children and etc.
In English, we learnt about adverbs. There were many kinds of adverbs. For example, adverbs of time (soon, later). An adverb most of the time has ‘ly’ in the end of a word but, sometimes not. We also have an assessment and my marks are good too...
In Maths, we measured an area of a composite figure. When, it is the first time to measure a composite figure, I and Alvianto got wrong. But, we try it, and try it again then we got right….
In Unit of Inquiry, we went to computer room. We have to finish our work on our individual movie. I am done with all but; I’ve not put the animations and the effects. I also have to put more details on the information so, the audience who watched the video will understand it better.
In English, I wrote an explanatory text on “
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 18:05:00 1 CoMmEntS
Monday, 14 April 2008
Hi Artix,
How you're doing today? Today in computer room, Eugene and I do the moviemaking and editing. We were done with the introduction and the 6 causes. We have not done yet with the effects. In each storyboard of causes, there is a picture. Hendri and Mirai get some of the pictures from Google Image. They helped us to complete our project too.. They were done finding/getting pictures from the internet. Eugene and I have not done yet, but we will finish it tomorrow.
In Maths, we have a new unit that is Area and Perimeter. It is interested to learn about it. It is a figure of a box or a rectangle... In a square/ rectangle there is a length and a breadth.
So that's all for today Artix.... So bye...
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 04:53:00 0 CoMmEntS
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Hi ARtix,
Today, I woke up at 7 o'clock. I do simple things. I played badminton with my father. My mum said that I have improve my strategy in badminton. I also watched BEN 10: Race Against Time. I watched in Kids Central. There is 3 movies in a week. That's cool right? It is Monday, Friday and Sunday. I also played my PSP. Do you wanted to know what is my new game in my computer?? It is Warcraft 3. It is an adventure mode. We have to complete all the mission. Firstly, we have to move the characters. After that, we have to fight. It is easy.
So Artix, now I want to install Star Wars: Empire In War game for computer. So bye Artix..
C U L8r.
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 20:44:00 0 CoMmEntS
WEdnesday and Thursday,..
April 9, 2008
The profile I've demonstrated yesterday is thinker. I showed thinker when I drew my observational drawing because I find a spot to drew for my observational drawing. I showed creativity too.. I need to develop my inquirer because when I do my observational drawing, I don't inquire first. I also don't inquire/ think about the causes and effects of changes. So, I wrote it blank and I don't observe it.
April 10, 2008
In English, we had the continuation of our explanatory text. I added diagrams, labels, pictures, captions to support my ideas. We also wrote the plan for revising our explanatory text. I showed independence when I wrote it.
In Maths, we had an assessment of making a right, obtuse, acute and reflex angle. We made a straight lines but, in 3 different ways. We had another activity which is coloring angles.
In Unit of Inquiry, Mr. Perico discussed about the Changing Shores. It was about the changes, causes and effects of a shorelines. After Mr. Perico had discussed the book, we worked in group and we have to complete our work. But, We're not done yet.
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 04:49:00 0 CoMmEntS
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Hi Artix,
Today, we have a fieldtrip. We went to Sekilak Beach at Batu Besar. In Sekilak beach, I almost fell down when I walk in the rocks. I think the beach is not safe for kids. In that beach, we have to draw something. I draw a house and there are some rocks beside it. It is an Observational Drawing... Then, we have to find some changes, causes and effects in that beach. I write the changes only. I didn't know the causes and effects, so it is blank(except changes). In that beach, there are some oil, we can't step on it because if we step, it can't be remove from your shoes. In maths, we identify a 90 degrees angle, less then 90 degrees and more than 90 degrees and we have to put a symbol of an angle.
Okay, that's all for today. So C U L8r on Friday. Bye Artix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 05:28:00 0 CoMmEntS
Monday, 7 April 2008
HI ARtix,
Today in Maths, we talk about angles. We checked our homework. I got perfect. You know, I think nobody do the thinking questions. I didn't do also. You know what is North between South. It is 180 degrees. You know what is North between East/ South. Yes, I know it. It is 90 degrees. Okay, now let proceed to Unit of Inquiry. In Unit of Inquiry, we discuss our homework to our group. Eugene didn't do it and Mirai's homework is in complete. My homework is complete. After we are done discussing, we present our work to the class. Hendri is not confidence enough so, I present it. After that, we have to continue our individual research. I don't have any laptop so, I didn't not stay in class. Who bring laptop will stay in the classroom and who don't bring any laptop, will go to the library. I went there. I got a lot of information from the encyclopedia. I also borrow books for my research.
Okay Artix, that's all for today. See you on Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 05:05:00 0 CoMmEntS
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Hey Artix,
In Friday, we have done reading Stone Fox. It is a sad story. It is the ending story... Searchlight heart burst out and she was dead... It is very sad. But, now it's Sunday and I am now at Singapore and I don't want to tell about that because that's Friday. Today, I woke up at 9.30 o'clock. Me and my parents went to the market. We buy a lot of things.... I buy an ice- cream, soya drink, etc. My mother got a lot of things. I don't know why.... After that, we went home. I played my PSP. I play a game titled God of War: Chains of Olympus. It is fun. It is an interesting game. So, now I wanted to play it again. I have done my homework so I want to play again.
So, Artix, I gotta go now... See you tomorrow!!!!1!!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 22:04:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Sunday/
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Hi Artix,
Today, I want to tell about my learning. Today in UOI, we got an assessment about the Changing Earth. I got 17 over 19. It is my first medium score that I score in UOI. I am confuse with the difference of plates and crust. Now, I know it because I have research it. A plate is a rock and a crust is the layer of the Earth. In Maths, we have a Top Ten. It is now Tuesday and Thursday. In this top ten, we can use our calculator to solve. If we have a problem like this: 2x9/8+5-5, we can use our calculator. But the method have to be MDAS( Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction) If addition/ subtraction come first and when you solve it in the calculator, it will be big number(sometimes). Then, we check our homework about Perpendicular Lines and Parallel Lines. In this homework, I don't understand why there is an arrow in Parallel Lines. Now I know it. If there are many arrows, it is the sets of parallel lines...
Okay Artix, that's all for today.. Now I want to do my homework... See you on Friday!!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 05:09:00 0 CoMmEntS
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
How you're doing today..?? It's a wonderful day of life..... Today, in computer room. We continue our research about our topic. It is very fun to research about the Life Cycle of a Butterfly... Are you interested with it?? I think so... We research about 3o minutes only and the other 30 minutes for making a movie. It is very fun to make a movie and it's funny. The video is about jokes... and everybody loves it. My weakness is I can't manage my time well in my research.
Okay, that's all for Today....
Bye Artix!! See yah tomorrow...
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 05:25:00 0 CoMmEntS
Monday, 31 March 2008
Hey Artix,
How you're doing today? Today, in Maths I have fun. we have an assessment about Angles. It is all about angles. We have to write a degree of the angle. Firstly, we have to cut a circle. We use a compass and make a perfect circle. Then, we cut it. It is like a project. After, we cut it we stick it in an A3 paper. Then we have to copy Mr. Perico's work in front and then we have to identify the degree of the angle. For example, 90 degree.
Okay Artix!!! That's all for today! Bye!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 05:22:00 0 CoMmEntS
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Hey Artix,
How you're doing? It is a Saturday and I come to Trent's birthday. It is in in Mac Dermott Villa Gate 6/ Batam Club. I swam there and I play the slide. You know, my leg bleed but, it is okay. I ate pizza and Trent's Cake and I drank Coca Cola and Fanta. My skin is brown now because I didn't use sunblock. After swimming, I and Hafizh went to Nagoya Hill to eat. We eat in solaria. I eat a chicken and I drink a tea.
Okay Artix, that's all Bye!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 19:16:00 0 CoMmEntS
Friday, 28 March 2008
Hey Artix,
How you're doing? It is a wonderful day. Today, you have to read my blogger!!! In English, we do character sketch of Mr. Fox. I wanted to make it nice but, it is already time. I drew Mr. Fox but not tracing, my other friends trace it. I drew cider, Mr. Fox favourite food and drink and etc. I t is very fun to drew it. Nael's drawing wasn't like Mr. Fox, it is like a real fox, but I think he will get the marvel comic.
Okay Artix, that's all....
Bye!! See Yah!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 19:04:00 0 CoMmEntS
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Hey there Artix,
Today, in Top Ten in MAths, I got 7/10. Natanael and Ari got perfect(10/10).Do you know why I got 7/10?? Because I forget about percentages. Then, we have an assessment of fractions word problems and others... Now, I remember how to study percentages... Now, I want to do my homework.
Bye Arix! See YAh!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 06:16:00 0 CoMmEntS
Monday, 24 March 2008
Hey there Artix,
I am very sad because I have no friend again. My cousins have gone to their hometown and now I hate it!!! It is very lonely now in the house, not like the other days until it is overcrowding... We always play together and now my cousin that went to Jakarta has come in 1.30 o'clock in the evening. I don't know who to play with and I hate it if I don't have any friend...
Okay Artix that's all.. Bye Artix!! See Yah!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 23:31:00 0 CoMmEntS
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Hey there Artix,
How are you? You know, yesterday one of my cousins are coming back to Bandung. Do you know why? No!! Because they have an examination after the holidays(Monday). It is very sad because one of my cousin has went back to Bandung but, there is one cousin more so, it is ok.. but, tomorrow my other cousin has to went back to Jakarta too... So tomorrow I don't have any friend because my cousin went back at 10:00 o'clock in the morning.
So, that's all, Bye Artix!!! See Yah!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 23:18:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: WeekEnd at Batam
Friday, 21 March 2008
Hey there Artix,
You know, now my cousins are coming here. It is very fun to come here. It is very overcrowding in my house but, it is fun because we can play with them. Do you want to know who are they Artix??? Yes!! Okay!! 1.Fariz 2.Dita 3. Vina 4. Others(parents). Do you know who is them now?? Yes!! Artix, I think I have to go to fetch them. So, see you on Sunday.
Bye Artix!! See yah!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 03:55:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Cousins
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Hey there Artix,
Today, in Unit of Inquiry, we do correction about the assessment in our group. You know there is an assessment again, but now it is individual. In tha assessment, there is a sentence and we have to fill in with Physical and Chemical changes. I got B and my score is 22. It is good to get this score. You know Artix, after we were done with the assessment, we stick a paper in our Unit of Inquiry notebbok. After that, we wanna watch a movie, but it can't open in Real Player, so we do other things. Then, we see a powerpoint about Chemical Changes. It shows us how to compare a Physical and Chemical changes.
Okay Artix, that's all... Bye See Yah!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 00:25:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: TODAY..
Monday, 17 March 2008
Hey there Artix,
It is Monday. Today in Unit of Inquiry, we were finding out the meaning/definition of Physical Change and Chemical Change. Then, Mr. Perico bring us to the Laboratory room and show us simple experiments. In one group, they got water and a brown sugar. Then, we have to pour the brown sugar to the water. Then, we have to observe. But, now I already know what is Physical Changes and Chemical Changes. The meaning of Physical Change is a thing that can be reversed and Chemical Change is a thing that can't be reversed.
Okay Artix, I want to interview my parents firsts. Bye!!! See Yah!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 05:20:00 0 CoMmEntS
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Hey there Artix,
How you're doing? I woke up very early... I do simple things only. Mirai don't go to my house..... so, it is boring in my house. My mom and dad want to go to the cinema. They want to watch 'Ayat- Ayat Cinta'. But, my father want to watch F1 first and it is 11 o'clock. Artix, I think I don't go anywhere. My parents only. I think? I hate it when I have no friend to play in my house!! HAte it!!!!
Okay Artix, now I want to go first. Bye Artix!!! See Yah!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 19:36:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Weekend;
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Hey there Artix,
You know yesterday, Mirai went to my house and now Mirai want to go to my house. It is very fun to play with him. Then, we want to swim but, my mother is very busy, so we can't swim. Mirai borrow my PS2 CD.It is 'Just Cause'.We play PSP. Mirai wanted to copy game to his PSP like:
1. Silent Hill Origins
2. Afterburner
4. Call of Duty: Roads to Victory
5. Etc.
Artix, do you think the game is fun? YEs! Okay Artix, now I think I want to go outside.
Bye!! Artix!! See yah!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 19:22:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Saturday..
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Hey there Artix,
How are you? Fine!!! Today, it is a nice day... In Unit of Inquiry, we watch a movie. The title is 'Time Machine'. It is all about now and before. We also have to summarize/note-taking all changes in the movie. Our unit is not Our Province. It is 'Changes' about how the world works. Can you stop time? No!! People can't stop time.. That's correct. Artix, it is fun learning this unit because it is about Science.
It is about changes in the following;
1. Biological Changes
2. Chemical Changes
3. Physical Changes
4. Earth Changes
It is very many right, Artix? Yes, it is many. I think I am interested in this unit. It is very fun to learn it.
Okay Artix, I have to go now! Bye, See Yah!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 03:14:00 0 CoMmEntS
Monday, 10 March 2008
Hy thereArtix, How are you doing?
It is Monday and there is upacara. You know, today in Maths, we do top ten. I got 6/10 because I am also in Mental Maths and sometimes fast. Nobody got perfect but it is ok. It is more important for your understanding and integrity. If you got zero/low, it's fine. It's more important to understand it because when there is that problem again, we can answer it. We also use time machine to move days backwards... Artix, Mr. Perico ask us to bring a scientific calculator. I have buy it.
Okay Artix, thats all for today. Bye!! See Yah!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 07:01:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Today......
Sunday, 9 March 2008
Hey there Artix,
Today, I woke up at 10.00 o'clock. It is very tiring because yesterday I watched JUMPER. It is very fun to watched it. Today, I only do simple things. it is boring I don't want to talk about it.. Artix, It is a nice right.. My mom said that we want to go to the market but, it is raining.. so, we don't go. "But, you and your parents can use umbrella" said Artix. But, later if the wind blows very hard, then the umbrella fly away. What can I do?????
Okay Artix, now I want to play a game called frikik. Bye Artix!!! See YaH!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 18:13:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Weekend..
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Hey there Artix,
Today, I went to Sengkang. My mom and dad eat there. But, I eat in Orchard. After, I went to Sengkang, I went to Orchard. I went to Orchard to buy clothes and souvenirs for my cousins. My cousins want to come to Batam. So, we have to buy clothes and souvenirs for them. Artix, I also buy toys there like: Spiderman. It is very funny to play it. Do you want to know how to play it? Ok, I will tell you.
How to play:
1. Throw the toy to the wall
2. The toy will move
Then, if the toy fall, you get it and throw it again right... It's easy.. and it's very simple.. Artix, when I tried at my home. It can't move.. I don't know why..
Okay Artix, thats all... Bye!! See Yah!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 18:03:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Weekend
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Hey there Artix,
Today, in Maths, I got a perfect score. We have to use mental maths and the problem is a bit challenging. But, I got it perfect.There is much of people in class get lower than 6. I think they have to improve there mental maths and solve faster if, you can. I think I need to improve my mental maths too... because, sometimes I am slow but, sometimes I am fast.. We also study a bout DIVIDING DECIMAL. it is the same with DIVIDING WHOLE NUMBERS. But, there is a difference....... Artix, I think now I gotta go.. So bye!! See Ya!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 05:01:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Weekdays
Monday, 3 March 2008
Hey there Artix!!
Today, In Unit of Inquiry, we took notes about the Natural and Man- Made Resources and Situations ( Economic, Political, Geographical and Other) in Kepri.
Firstly, we have to copy the notes the resources and the situations. Secondly, we have to discuss with our group members, then, if we agreed about the resources ( oil & gas) and situations in Natuna, we have to highlight the resources and situations that is rich in our region( Natuna Islands). Then, we talk about our next plan of action on how to get more information about our research, then lastly, we talked about our homework : and it is our discussion with our parents....
So, we can do our homework well.
Okay Artix, I think I have to go now!! See Yah!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 04:24:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: UOI
Sunday, 2 March 2008
Hey there Artix!!
How are you? It is Sunday and it is weekend. I didn't go outside but, my parents went outside. I’m home and I play PS2 and my PSP. It is fun playing it. But, sometimes I also chat with my cousin in Jakarta. We use webcam. It is very fun to use it.... You know now I want to go to Nagoya Hill but, I wanted to talk about something first. Do you know what is the meaning of Chidori in Bahasa language? It is Seribu Burung. Now, I think I have to go now....
Bye Artix!!! I hoped you have a nice sleep!! Bye!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 03:43:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Weekend ..
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Hi Artix!! How are you? You know today In Maths, we have to answer about word problems. It is by group. My group members are Me, Alvianto & Insan. It is easy for me, but, it is hard for them. I write the explanation and statement., Alvianto write the problem and Insan write the strategy. But, they have to solve it first. They can't copy. But, they don't understand. So, I teach them. Then, they know how to solve it. Then, we have to make our own problem. Our own problem is the following; Mr. Ramen and Mrs. Song have $180. Mr. Ramen buy 1 cloth cost $33. 30. Mrs. Song buy 1 dress cost $26. 70. How much did they spent??
Artix! Do you know how to solve it. Easy right??? Yes!! Okay Artix!! In this activity my weakness is solving long problems. Okay Artix!! I gotta go!! See Yah!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 04:14:00 0 CoMmEntS
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Hey there Artix!!
What you're doing...?? You know today, in computer room, we made a movie. I made a movie about Naruto. It is very fun to make a movie. You know it is easy to make a movie. It is very fun too.... I like it!! You know now I like to make movie because it is very fun and easy. We can put songs, transitions, effect and others....... You know we can put photo too when the media is playing. We can also use video, picture to make a nice video.
You know now I want to make a poster about making children like homework. It is very fun too......
Okay artix, now, I gotta go. Bye !!!! See yah!!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 03:11:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Movie Maker
Monday, 25 February 2008
Journal on Monday!!! TodaY.......
Hey there Artix!! it is Monday right. There is Upacara. Today in Unit of Inquiry, I and my groupmates shared each others homework that Mr. Perico gave. We have to give feedback. Sallyna didn't interview their parents. So, she copy from an article. In maths, Nael get the strawberry spa. But, there is a game, to in Maths. It is a group work. My group members are Me, Budiman, Nabilla and Hafizh. We win. the last number, we fight with Nael's group. But, we are the first who raise the board. So, we got candy. My weakness in Maths is some times I can't solve fast. Okay, Artix.. that's all. now, I got ago. Bye!!! See Ya!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 04:06:00 1 CoMmEntS
Labels: TodaY.......
Sunday, 24 February 2008
JournAL on SaturDay and SunDay
Hey there Artix!! It is an nice day!! Today I went to Sengkang but, It is boring to go there. I went there use MRT to went to Sengkang from Bukit Batok. I travel1 h 30 minutes from Bukit Batok to Sengakng. But, in the train I play my PSP. After I went there, I eat. It is very fun in Singapore. The next day, I have to go back to Batam and study again on Monday!! happy!!!! I like it!!! Okay Artix!!! Now I got ago!!! Bye!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 03:51:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: JournAL on SaturDay and SunDay
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 04:55:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: TodAy........
Monday, 18 February 2008
Hey there Artix. It is a good day right. You know today, I learned about Batam. You know I am lucky to stay in Batam. But, 2009 I am going to Singapore. I will school there too... You know Batam is a safe place. There are no terrorist or other disasters. Not like in Jakarta. You know Jakarta in 1997, there is a chaos. I am not born yet. Chinese people can't live in Jakarta. So, they went to Batam. I think when that time, the president is not strict enough. Like when Vietnam war with America, the Vietnam's people went to Galang Islands to escape. It is called Vietnam Village.
They have to build a resources. It is like there own Village. Ok, Artix that's all. Bye!! I wanted to read first. Bye-bye Atix!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 04:21:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Today......
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Journal on Saturday and Sunday......
Hey there Artix!!!! Yesterday Hafizh and Yandi went to my house. we play Ps2 from 1.30 o'clock to 5 o'clock. It is fun. We play many games. we all like to play Nicktoons. It is fun to play it. After 1 level we always change the person who play. then we play Driver 3. It is fun too... You know Yandi can't drive, so, he always crash until the player die. It is very funny. There is an airport and there is a secret car and a terrorist. We become a police. But, we can't kill the terrorist. it is very hard.
Today, I don't do anything. I only watch TV. Artix,,,, I think I have to type now. See you!!!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 19:00:00 0 CoMmEntS
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Learning about percentage
Hey there Artix.. Today, I learn about percentage. Do yuo know the symbol? It is like %. it is so fun doing percentage project. We do it about 1 1/2 hour. Do you understand that? It is 1 and half hour. In this project we need the following;
1. Discount paper like from Hypermart.
2. A picture of a product.
And that is all we need. You know the class is little bit chaos because of people who join dancing club, will go down. I don't know what are they doing???? Ok artix. I got ago bye!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 04:34:00 1 CoMmEntS
Labels: Learning about percentage
Monday, 11 February 2008
Mr. Richard The Author
Hey there Artix. Today, there is an author who tell us 3 stories. His name is Mr. Richard. He is a children author. He is good in telling stories, and you know Artix, he wrote the story of Bananas in Pajamas. My favourite story is the Cockney the Cockroach . It is a funny story about cockroach. There are 2 sumos in the story. It is very nice to hear the story. Where can we buy the book???? Mr. Perico said." You can buy the book in Singapore." I think I want to buy it. Okay that is the story. Bye Artix!!! Bye!!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 03:58:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: The Author
Sunday, 10 February 2008
JOURNALS from MONDAY - SundAy.....
Hey there Artix.... It is a nice day right. U know Monday, I chat with 2 people.The 2 people are Kennedy and Hendri. It is a nice day to chat. MY father is working that day. I am also at Singapore. I am in front of the computer from 10.00 - 2.00 o'clock. I play and chat. I tell to HEndri and KennEdy this site, and they play it. In Tuesday, I chat with Vincent. Vincent want me to print an article about Lingga. But, I am not in Batam, I don't have any printer. So, Vincent ask me " When do you come back to Batam" I replied : tomorrow" . SO, tomorrow I will print the article. But, i forgot to print it!!!! In WEDNESDaY, I don't chat anymore. I went to Nagoya Hill. It is a boring day...... in ThuRsday, I and Fauzan and Fauzan's brothers went to the cinema. We watched Kung- Fu Dunk. It is very action. He play basketball with Kung- Fu. In Friday, me, mom and dad went shoppping in Nagoya Hill Hypermarket. Yesterday, I went to Pizza Hut. we eat 2 pizza. Until my stomach is full,.... This day, I went to Mirai's house. It is fun there. U know tomorrow, I started studying again. So, Artix... I Gotta GO!!!!!!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 04:04:00 0 CoMmEntS
Saturday, 2 February 2008
My Birthday
Hy there Artix.... Do you know yesterday it is my birthday. I am in Singapore. I ate at Cafe Delifrance De Bistro. It is very yummy. I and my dad ate Tenderloin Steak and my mom ate Beef Lasagna. I am already 10 years old now. You know today it is my auntie birthday. Then I call my auntie, then we went to the market. It is very crowded in the market. I didn't buy anything there. Artix, what present do I want ya??? I think I want this, but no! I don't want. Okay Artix< let me think first. Okay Artix, I want to eat now. Bye- bye Artix.
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 20:21:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Birthdays
Thursday, 31 January 2008
My DIaRY oN ThurSdaY
Hy Artix!!
You know tomorrow is a Chinese New Year Programmed. I think it is a good day. You know Saturday is my happy day. It is My Birthday. You know today, in English, we study about persuasive writing. Do you know what is persuade? No!! Okay I will tell U. persuade is convince. Like today: We have convince about Homework. My good points in making a persuasive writing is I can write an essay. My weak points is my argument is not good. So, that is my reflection.
Okay Bye Artix!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 04:35:00 0 CoMmEntS
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
My Journal AT WedNesDAY
Hy! Artix!!!
It is a nice day today. You know today, our classroom become a court. Mr. Perico is the judge. We are the lawyer. It is very fun. We gave questions to the other lawyer, and they gave to us too... If we can't answer the question, it is OK!!!!! We have to convince the judge, so, they will believe us than the other lawyer. The judge will decide tomorrow so, who is the winner. We or the other lawyer. Okay, you know Cassandra call me and tell a secret. But, I can't tell to anyone.
Okay Artix!!! Bye!! It is time to me to read. Bye!!!!!!!!!1
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 04:16:00 0 CoMmEntS
Monday, 28 January 2008
Hi Artix!
Hey there Artix! Today i learn that Kepri have 32 provinces in Indonesia. But, when that atlas of Mrs. Sulastri, there is 33 provinces in Indonesia. So, I think That is the fake. You know, today in The upacara comes, The flag is in the middle. Do you know why Artix? Yes, because Mr. Soeharto dies yesterday. that's correct Artix!!!! You know that in KEPRI there are 6 islands. There 2 cities and 4 regencies. The cities are Batam and Tanjung Pinang. The 4 regencies are Bintan, Lingga, Natuna and Karimun Regency. So, that is my reflection. So, I want a sleep. So, Bye.
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 05:17:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: 28 January 2007, My Journal
Sunday, 27 January 2008
January 26- 27, 2008
Hey there Artix!!! How are you? You know yesterday(January 26, 2008) I went to Mirai's house. It is very fun there. We play PSP with Mirai's little brother. We play MX vs. ATV Untamed. You can use a motocross or an ATV. Then Mirai's friend come and play PS2. Then we swam in Waterpark, Dutamas. We play the slide until we are bored. Then, I went home to watched Naruto in Global TV. In January 27, 2008, I buy a movie titled: The Kingdom. It is a war between Americans with Saudi Arabians. The Saudi Arabians, make a big bomb in their country where Americans live.
Okay, that is My story today and yesterday!! Bye!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 06:49:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Weekend
Thursday, 24 January 2008
4th Unit of Inquiry Homework
Hi there Artix!!!
It is a nice day. You know today's homework is finding the Facts and figures about the 7 continents.
There is an acceptable homework and unacceptable homework. I got an acceptable homework because I get a complete facts. The unacceptable homework have consequences. You know when they find about the 7 continents, they went to the library. The acceptable one stay in the class and make a pop- up book. we also tell secret. It si very fun. Okay, Artix!! I have to do my Maths homework. Bye- bye.
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 03:46:00 1 CoMmEntS
Monday, 21 January 2008
Top Ten in Maths
Hi there Artix! In Maths I got perfect. There is only 5 numbers. 1 number is 2 points. It is easy. But, after the top ten do you know what are we gonna do. No! replied Artix. We have a new topic that is Decimal. I have learned that in my course but, I have forget little about decimal. But, before moving to decimal, we have pre- assessment for decimals. I find it easy. so that is my reflection today. So bye Artix!! See you tomorrow.
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 04:30:00 0 CoMmEntS
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Singapore - Batam
Hi Artix! It is a boring day in Singapore. I don't go anywhere. My father and mother want to buy house in Singapore. so, I don't go anywhere. Today, I went to my mother friends house. It is in Toa Payoh. We took a bus 506 express, so it is a fast bus going to lorong 6 Toa Payoh. After we went there, we went home. My mother went to the market, but, me and my gorgeous father went home. Then we slept at 2 and woke up 4 o'clock. After that we went to the Harbourfront Ferry Terminal to went home to Batam. Okay, Artix. Now, I want to read about John F. Kennedy. Bye!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 05:20:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: Singapore - Batam
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Artix play Badminton
Hey there Artix!!! today, I have an after school activity. It is badminton club. I is very fun and interesting. First, we have to study how to smash the cock. We have to fight our enemy. We have to find an enemy first. My first enemy is Alvianto, 2nd Vries, 3rd Natanael and 4rd we (me and Natanael) fight the grade 5 students. Okay that is my story. See you tomorrow!!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 05:10:00 2 CoMmEntS
Monday, 14 January 2008
Hey there Artix! It is Monday, so I went to school. You know that today, we have to continue our poet profile to become a nice, fabulous and gorgeous magazine type. it is very fun, but I don't have any pictures so, I print it in the computer class. Do you want to knowmy friendster Artix? Yes!! It is There is Mustang GT in the layout. Okay have to do the other homework. So, bye Artix!!!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 04:40:00 0 CoMmEntS
Saturday, 12 January 2008
Hey there Artix!!! What are you doing Artix?? It i s a nice day right? Today, I woke up 7.00 o'clock in the morning. Then I turn on the computer and do my homework in the blogger ( journal). After that I will do the Bahasa Indonesia homework. It is writing a poem to our teacher, mom , best friends and God. It is very interesting to write a poem in Bahasa Indonesia and English language. Artix!!! Do you answer my question!!!!!!!! ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz!!!!! Oh! I no that Artix is sleeping. I have to go now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bye
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 16:24:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: aT HomE
Thursday, 10 January 2008
1 day of Holiday
Hello Artix!! A nice holiday for me. I went to Mirai's house and play. when I arrived there, I play PS2 with him. My mom went to Mega Mall. There is Mirai's brother. His name is Jorji. He is very funny and cute, but, he is very naughty. He play anything he want. He is not shy. Do you know Artix what gonna Jhorzi do in front of me? No!!! He open his clothes and open his underwear!!! So , he is naked!!!!!!!!! it is very funny. Mirai's said that he like to do that. I think that is the end of the story!!! Okay Bye-bye Artix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 05:21:00 0 CoMmEntS
Labels: 1 day for holiday
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
My Diary 8 January, 2008
Hey there Artix!!!! What are you doing now? You know today I get 10/10 in January 8, 2008/ Top Ten in Maths. But in doesn't matter if we get perfect. Do you know why I get perfect? "Yes!!" Artix said "Why Artix!!" because y9ou have bonus point , and the bonus point is 2 points. You are right. I get 8/10 but there is a bonus 2 points, so, I get perfect. That is my story. See you Artix. Bye
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 03:57:00 0 CoMmEntS
Monday, 7 January 2008
My Diary 7 January, 2008: First day of School
Hey there Artix!! Today, we are revising what we learn in 1st semester. Then new teacher in Math is Mr. Perico!!!!! We have a drilling of Top Ten. We have to answer 10 questions. You know who got perfect Artix!!!! Yes, I know it Who is it Artix??? It is bla bla bla. That is not the answer! it is Mr. Perico. Why? Because he made the work. Yeah thats correct. I got 6. But, it's alright to get 6. Doesn't matter. I can still improve by studying harder. Okat that's all Artix! Okay bye!!
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 04:27:00 0 CoMmEntS
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
My Diary 30-31/12/2007 and 01-02/01/2008 Holiday: In Genting Highlands with Tour Package
Hey there Artix!!!!Happy New Year 2008!! How are you artix? I am fine. You know Artix where
did I go 30, 31 December 2007 and 1 January 2008? yes! you told me already! You went to Genting Highlands!! I live in First world Hotel! The outside color of the hotel is like a rainbow. In Genting Highlands there is a outdoor and indoor theme park. I don't go outdoor because I don't like the game outside. So, I play indoor only.Okay, when I want with my parents to go to Malaysia, we have to ride the ferry named Marina Master. It is going to Johor Bahru (Stulang Laut). After we have been there we take a bus. There is 8 bus. The capacity of 1 bus is 4o people. There is 8 buses. Then I am in bus 4. Then we go to Kuala Lumpur. To got to Kuala Lumpur we need 5 hours to We eat lunch in Yong Peng Lucky Garden. After we have done eating the fabulous food in Yong Peng Lucky Garden, we buy snack for eating in the bus. After we buy the snack, we have to go back to the bus and we have to continue our journey to Genting Highlands, but we go to Kuala Lumpur first. 3 hours more to Kuala Lumpur from Yong Peng Lucky Garden Restaurant. After we are already in Kuala Lumpur, we went to Istana kerajaan Malaysia. It is where the king lives. Then we went to Batucaves. It is where Indians pray. There is a golden statue. If you want to go and see the golden statue, you have to go very high up the stairs. But I don't want to go up. I eat Prata. Then we continue our adventure to Genting Highlands. The tour leader said that the bus will be slow because we want to go up. I think this bus number 4 is old because other buses can go fast. after we are up in the hill, we use Genting Skyway. It is going to the First world Plaza. The Skyway is going very up!! Then after we are already in the First World Plaza, we have to go to the fabulous First world Hotel. When we are already in the hotel, we have to get the room key from the tour leader. Did you know that the other buses are already going out to the plaza, but we are still getting the room key. after we get the room key, I take a bath. Then we go out to the plaza. The second day it is the free day. We can go anywhere like the Snow World, sky venture, flying Coaster. I don't care. It is a free day. First, I and my parents went to Snow World. The snow is not real. Of course! said Artix. Second, we went to the Ripley's Believe it or Not. It is very fun there. Do you want to see the example of the picture? yes!!! Okay Artix! I will show you later! Then we go to the hotel and sleep for a while. At night we went outside to see the firework. It is nice but it is nicer than Singapore. Then, we have to go because the third day we have to check out. That day I sleep at 1 o'clock. my mom sleep at 2 o'clock. Tomorrow we have to check out from the hotel. The key is a card. You know said the tour leader the room key is for us. So, we don't give it back again. So, when we have a tour again with my parents to Genting Highlands, we can use the room key for opening the room. Then we have to go back to Johor Bahru because it is time to go home to Batam. It is still 5 hours to go to0 Johor Bahru. But, before we went to the ferry terminal, we went to Sungei Wang, Chocolate shop and Petronas. After we are in the ferry terminal, we have to go to Batam. I got a go Artix!! You already know my story in Genting Highlands. Bye-bye.
POsTed bY Rizqi aT 17:41:00 2 CoMmEntS