Tuesday 20 May 2008


Hi there Artix,

How are you? Today, Mr. Perico is not teaching us.. because, he went to Thailand on Friday until Tuesday next week. So, Ms. Yolanda will teach us. There was no Math subject and I hate it!!! because, I liked Math subject. In the first subject, we had English. In English, we continued our explanatory text with our writing buddy(Alvianto). We're done writing the story but, we have many grammar errors. we have some present tense and some past tense. Who had done editing it, we have to encode it in MS-Word. We're done editing it but, we're not done encoding it. Then, after recess, it was English subject again. But in this subject, we have to draw a character sketch on the following stories: Sadako, Stone Fox and Tales of the fourth Grade Nothing. We have to chose one of them to draw. I chose Tales of the fourth Grade Nothing because, we can easily identify the profiles of Peter.