Saturday 22 December 2007

My Diary 22/12/2007

Hello there Artix! I woke up 8 o'clock in the morning. I am now in Singapore. New Year, I go to Malaysia. I go to Genting. I have went to Malaysia, but I didn't go to Genting. I go only to kuala Lumpur. Today, I sit in front of the computer. In Siangapore, the internet is very fast. So, I pay internet here. After that I read a book. I have done reading this book. It is interesting to read!!! Artix, do you want to read it?? Yes!! Okay I will borrow you.

Title: The Berenstain Bears and the School Scandal Sheet
Author: Jan & Stan Berenstain
It is all about a club reporter who make a disaster in the Bear Country.

Bye Artix!! I hope you can read!! Bye Rizqi